FormScore: understanding employee wellness and performance

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Slice of life with Silja Litvin

Silja Litvin is a Psychologist and Founder of PsycApps – a digital emotional health platform that combines Gamification, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Positive Psychology, and AI to build resilience and promote emotional health. Here, she talks to FormScore about the unique pressures faced by founders and suggests positive steps that founders can take to look after their wellbeing.

As a founder, what unique struggles do you face when it comes to managing your mental health?

I think the main issue for many founders (and myself) is over-identifying with their start-up. Feeling that failures and successes reflect on who they are, and being too attached to the outcomes. It’s a fine line between being dedicated and being enslaved to a business.

Then there’s over-working, under-exercising, sleep issues, poor work-life balance, self-medication through alcohol and drugs, a disconnect to friends and family…sadly, I could go on. Thankfully not all of these apply to me, but I do have to be careful.

Do you think founders face more stigma than most because there's an expectation to be at the top of your game?

Absolutely! Founders are the face and the thermostat of the business. The moment you show fear, indecision, uncertainty, or fatigue, everyone freaks. Your team, your investors, your clients all lean heavily on you.

Is it difficult to delegate some of the pressures that rest on your shoulders?

At the beginning, it was, because I wasn’t sure I could trust people do as a good a job as I was doing (or preferably better!), but once I found the right people, I couldn’t delegate fast enough. My Co-Founder and COO Vanessa Hirsch-Angus has a phrase I love: "leave it with me". I’m not planning on protesting that any time soon.

What steps do you take to care for your own wellbeing?

My partner is crucial: confiding in him, asking for advice, and sometimes, when I don’t notice I’m in a bad place, he lets me know. And then I have to practice what I preach and do certain things like:

  1. Exercise

  2. Practice sleep hygiene

  3. Meditate

  4. Speak to my therapist if needs be

  5. Lean on my team

  6. Take time off

What advice would you give to fellow founders when it comes to self-care?

You are the engine of your business: your wellbeing comes first. You would be surprised, but your company will survive a day without you. Make sure you’re in a good place, and if not, reach out for help. We made a CEO Mental Health Guide exactly for this reason: have a read, and you’ll see that pretty much all of the resources you’re likely to need are there.