Let’s meet where you are

In the Business World most of us spend a fair bit of time jumping from call to call.

Long hours. Packed calendar.


Long conversations.

Ping. Ping.

Too many messages.

Ping. Ping. Ping.

A huge number of notifications.

Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping.

And before you know it, overwhelm is knocking on your door…

It’s why we felt the need to meet you where you are.

To make checking-in with yourself as easy as possible, in a platform you use in most hours of the day.

Take a Pause

You’re already very busy.

We get it. We really do.

The Business is looking for results. For ‘low-hanging fruits’ to harvest.

Yet, we’re here just planting the seeds.

Going against the grind.

Taking intentional pauses.

10 seconds.

10 seconds to ask yourself ‘How am I today?’.

One question at a time.

One important question.

Because that meeting, that chat, that call, that message, that notification can wait for 10 seconds.

Because for 10 seconds you chose to make yourself and your mental health a priority.

Time to reflect.

10 precious seconds to get off the conveyor line.

To invest in yourself.

To plant the seeds.

To focus on the here and now.

To look inwards so you become aware of how you feel.

So you can continue stronger.

Mentally healthier.

More resilient.

Let’s plant the seeds for better mental health

Invest in quality over quantity.

10 seconds.

One question.


Why are we pivoting FormScore?


Take a Moment to Breathe