What about my data?

A human-friendly summary of FormScore’s Privacy and Security policies

We appreciate that not everyone will find tracking their wellbeing useful. The management of our mental wellbeing is highly personal and individual.

We understand that people can be wary of tech businessess handling their data, and the possibility of data being sold, rented, traded or shared with third-parties for their promotional purposes. We stand tall against this and we pledge to:

  • Never sell your data

  • FormScore is first and foremost a Movement, then an App. It’s a movement that helps inspire people become more self-aware and intentional about to their wellbeing. It also facilitates social connections around our mental health, and creates a new way of communicating how we are feeling in order to provide, or ask for support from friends, family and trusted colleagues

  • We are using technology to facilitate this movement, but we do so ethically

  • When we make a mistake we will own it, apologise and put it right

  • We will work hard to build your trust in FormScore as a brand.

If you use the FormScore App as part of the set-up in your organisation, know that:

  • By default we do not share any of your personal data, including your FormScores, with your employer. Full Stop. Period.

    • You have the option to choose to share with your employer that you currently experience very low form and ask for support using this feature.

  • With your consent, we aggregate data anonymously for the purposes of:

    • Providing insights into wellbeing in your workplace to your employer and

    • Validating the impact of FormScore.

  • Although some personal data are processed, namely your mobile number and/or email address, they are encrypted.

  • For the Wellbeing Assessment we ask you to confirm your mobile number for the sole purpose of matching your responses at the start and end of the pilot.

If you use FormScore for Managers (check-in polls) in your organisation, know that:

  • You will not be asked to provide your email or other personal details when you log your score.

  • Individuals' scores are anonymous.

  • Scores cannot be traced back to the individual

  • Individual data are not shared with you or the HR team.

  • Essentially, this is a ‘no personal data’ solution and individuals are in no way identifiable.



What happens when I log a low score


What if I am not ready to commit to a long-term plan?