
We are social animals; we are tribal creatures. We need to connect with other humans.

The pandemic has removed those social connections by the need to be physically distant, to be safe. This means that we are not being nourished as much by the social connections that we need in order to thrive.

Here's what we can do:

  • Be more intentional about fostering and developing our social connections.

  • Make space and time to connect with others.

  • Look to your network for anyone who might need some help from you and offer that help. You will get so much back by helping others.

    • Research shows that helping others makes us happier but, in her research, Elizabeth Dunn found that there's a catch: it matters how we help. Watch this TED talk to find out how.

  • Nourish yourself with social connections and surround yourself with those who make you happy.

  • Remove negative people from your life.

  • Foster social connections by doing the things you love in the company of others. Like joining a running club or a book club. It will help you build a new network of people that you share your passions with and make you feel more connected.

Look for ways to connect.

Look for ways to have those human conversations.

And just hug more. 💟




