FormScore: understanding employee wellness and performance

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Your Why. Your sense of purpose. Meaningful activity.

💡 Did you know that at the University of California, San Diego, researchers have found that people with a strong sense of purpose experience fewer physical, and mental health challenges?

💡The Japanese concept of ikigai, embodies the idea of happiness in living. Essentially, ikigai is the reason why you get up in the morning. If we can find things that we're good at, things that we love, things that the world needs, and things that we can get paid for, we will be really happy.

Here are a few simple ideas to think about your sense of purpose.

  • First of all, look at the work. Are you getting meaningful work?

  • Think about other areas of our lives where we might get some purpose, like learning, helping others, volunteering, pursuing our hobbies.


  • 🎧 Listen to our podcasts and watch videos on ‘Sense of Purpose’.