FormScore for Managers

FormScore is a solution that helps managers understand colleague wellbeing, effectiveness, and commitment to the team. It is a real-time measure of performance readiness and the factors that drive performance readiness.

At the same time, FormScore gives employees a valuable resource to help manage their wellbeing and performance.

Main Features

  1. Run quick and anonymous Polls to understand team performance readiness

  2. Customise Work and Personal Drivers of Form

  3. Understand the impact of hybrid working on team performance and wellbeing

  4. Overlay your analytics with Company and World events

  5. Get instant and personalised suggestions to address areas that employees are struggling with

  • Why did we develop FormScore for Managers? Read more..

  • Check the menu of How To guides for Managers


Creating your first poll and account


FormScore, Wellbeing, Effectiveness, Commitment what do they mean?