Creating your first poll and account

Create an account:

Your account is created automatically the first time you create a poll. This is based on your work email address.

  1. Use a (browser on a) desktop to access

  2. Enter your work email address

  3. Click Create poll

  4. Verify your email:

    1. An email with a verification code will be sent to your work email address.

    2. Copy the verification code from the email.

    3. Paste it to the pop-up in the page.

Create your poll:

After you complete the verification process, you will be taken through the steps to create your first poll.

  1. Choose a name for your Team

  2. Click Start Trial

The poll you created is now ready to be used. The poll will open in a new tab. If not, make sure that pop-up windows are enabled in your browser.


How to run the poll


FormScore for Managers