How to view the Lowest, Highest and Average score

FormScore v2 offers improved analytics and allows you to easily view the Lowest, Highest and Average scores both for you and our Friends.

How to view the Lowest, Highest and Average scores in Me tab

  1. Navigate to the Me tab.

  2. Below your picture and name you will notice 2 circles with scores: Average and Last 30 (days)

  3. By default, the first circle shows your Average score.

  4. Tap on the circle and the score and description will change to Lowest.

  5. Tap on the circle again and the score and description will change to Highest.

  6. Tap again and it will display the Average score.


How to view the Lowest, Highest and Average scores in Friends tab

  1. Navigate to the Friends tab.

  2. Click on your friend’s name/picture/record.

  3. This will display your friend's ‘profile’.

  4. Below their picture and name you will notice 3 circles with scores: Average, Now, Last 30 (days)

  5. By default, the first circle shows your Average score.

  6. Tap on the circle and the score and description will change to Lowest.

  7. Tap on the circle again and the score and description will change to Highest.

  8. Tap again and it will display the Average score.

Update: FormScore v2.4

There are times we notice a friend on low form but don't know what to do or say to support them. You can now watch a short video on what to do if we, or a friend of ours, experience low score.
To access the videos:
  1. Navigate to the Today tab

  2. Information button ('i'top right)

  3. Scroll down and click on a score.

    In addition, when a Formster submits a score of 1 or 2 out of 10, the relevant video will automatically pop up as self-help.


How to view my Score


How to use the ‘Drivers of Form’ feature